research    /    communication design    /    graphic design


Team   Arella E, Naufal I

Financial insecurity, unattractive salaries, and a widespread stigma against pursuing the arts are things not uncommonly heard by the ears of young students. The art field is often regarded as a backup option for those who don’t find success within the conventional educational system.

The prospect of an unsuccessful future has instilled fear among youths, resulting in a rapid interest decline in pursuing art-related fields. This poses a significant threat to the future city, given the vital role that art plays in Singapore’s urban evolution.

Fix-Itz: Futures serves as a building block to inspire individuals to participate in the local arts and design community. Presented in the form of a play kit, it envisions a forthcoming education paradigm where learning resembles play.

Fix-Itz: Futures compromises 3D-printed buildings that seamlessly interlock using magnets, allowing users to construct a modular city representative of their envisioned future. This approach empowers young students to create and present new ideas and perspectives, cultivate a commitment to contributing, and leave a lasting impact on Singapore’s future city.

Pitch deck detailing the project, from the initial research to the proposed design outcomes.

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Tomorrow’s Testament

Urgency Agency by BA (Hons) Design Practice, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)